Friday, July 21, 2017

Some Words About Marriage

I watched two Si-Fi films this week:  Avengers:  Age of Ultron (my second viewing) and Wonder Woman—keeping both Marvel and DC happy, I suppose.  As a man, I may not fully appreciate the accolades women are heaping upon the origin story of the Amazon princess but I do like her as a role model for young girls and a reminder to young guys.  Both discover a woman can have strength, empathy, brains, and vision. 
On the whole, I think WW is a better movie than A:AU.  Yet, the Avenger flick revealed a secret we shouldn’t ignore.  Hawkeye is married.  Happily married, it seems.  That’s something of a shock.  If you didn’t grow up with the comics, I should tell you superheroes generally avoid marriage.  Maybe that’s changing.
I think I’ve seen a spark between Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne but maybe I’m just a romantic.  No, it’s probably not that.  Even if there were such a spark, it’s unlikely to grow into a flame.  And it wouldn’t just be the age difference; what’s a few thousand years when it comes to love.  No, superheroes don’t get married because, for them, marriage would be really tough.  It would be hard to focus on defeating villains when those villains threaten to hurt the superhero’s family.  (Hawkeye’s family lives in a “safe house” in the middle of … well, we’re not told.)  Then, too, on a more mundane level marriage demands our focus and attention.  Imagine Superman busy saving the world from some plot by Lex Luthor and suddenly remembering he didn’t pick up Lois’ jacket before the dry cleaner closed.
But the superheroes need to know something.  Marriage is tough for everyone, unless you’re single; then you can advise your married friends on Facebook. 
Paul knew marriage was tough.  In Ephesians 5:22-32 Paul addresses the complexities of marriage and family.  Of course, plenty of people doubt whether Paul was married.  We just can’t say.  Still, he wrote some of the most widely debated words about marriage ever written.  If we take the Bible seriously, we can’t ignore what he says.
To understand what the apostle says we need to remember that this section of the letter, beginning with 5:22 and ending with 6:9 has to be understood in light of 5:21. In fact, we might even suggest ending verse twenty-one with a colon. The instructions to wives and husbands, children and parents, slaves and masters are designed to show these groups how to live in mutual submission to one another. Paul begins by applying the principle to the marriage relationship.
This passage is sometimes misunderstood, maligned, and misused.  I don’t claim to have the final word on the issue but I will try to honor Paul’s words and, hopefully, correct some of the confusion.
I think we can best understand Paul’s intent by setting in in the context of mutual submission.  This is important because through mutual submission a Christian couple can have a mutually satisfying marriage
First, Paul offers …


 What Paul says to the wife is rooted in his vision of her relationship to her husband, summed up in these words: "the husband is the head of the wife. "

What Paul means here is often the focal point of controversy.   It is more difficult to determine precisely what Paul means than it is to
demonstrate what he does not mean. It's important to notice what he does not say because some of the criticisms of Paul are based careless readings of this passage.
While Paul says the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the Church, he does not say that the wife is the husband's body. The wife is not seen as an extension of the husband, deriving her significance from him.
Some contemporary Christian writers actually seem to suggest this.  One writer says woman’s identity as bearing “the image of God” comes through man, not directly from God.  I find no grounds for this demeaning view of women.
But what does Paul mean? The answer may be found in the social conditions of the day.
            In the Roman society the oldest living male controlled the family; he had the 'headship' over the family. To have a "head" was to be an integral part of one's legitimate family.
A woman's relationship to her biological family was so important that in sometimes dominated her relationship with her husband.  C. C. Kroeger explains,

Marriages within the Empire were ordinarily arranged so that the wife remained legally and religiously part of her father's family. Her relatives might with impunity remove her from the marriage and contract another more favorable alliance, even against her will. This system wrought marital instability….

Paul's intention may well have been to call women to a new level of commitment to their husbands, a commitment which exceeded that to her biological family.  This would be particularly important in situations where a Christian woman’s father was a nonbeliever while her husband was a believer.  The father might demand she abandoned her husband’s religion and embrace his.  Paul may have been saying, take your stand with your husband.
Moreover, in certain circumstances children could lose their "head", that is they were no longer regarded as part of a family. It was a precarious position for a woman.
When a young man or woman embraced Christianity and left their father's religion, they were sometimes disowned. This would place a young woman in a kind of social and legal limbo. Paul's declaration would have made it possible for a woman to remedy that situation by joining herself to her husband as "head".
Some of what Paul wrote about men and women, husbands and wives, may have been written out of concern for social stability. His goal was not to maintain the status quo, as is often suggested; the status quo was unstable. Paul wrote to establish stability.
At the same time Paul's words imply a new vision of the family. Each couple—husband and wife—were an independent unit, free of the oppressive family hierarchy. The couple's allegiance was not to a patriarch but to Christ.

With that in mind, what did Paul mean when he called for wives to "submit" to their husbands. 
To begin with, the very fact he treats submission as a voluntary action on the wife's part, means he is not implying the wife’s natural inferiority.
He seems to be speaking of a free and responsive yielding to another.   Above all, the instruction does not allow us to claim Paul was justifying the husband behaving as a despot in the marriage relationship.
Whatever Paul may mean when he calls wives to submit to their husbands, he is not demanding that women submit to all men ( as some interpreters have suggested).  I read of an instance in which a pastor told a female cardiologist in his congregation that she had to change her specialty to something like pediatrics or gynecology; as a cardiologist there would be too many occasion for her to tell men what to do.
Nor does this mean a wife is obliged to submit or obey her husband when that husband’s demands are immoral, illegal, demeaning, or unbiblical.  A popular teacher in the 1980s insisted Christian wives must always obey their husbands—no matter what they demanded.  God, he said would excuse even open sin, holding her husband responsible, not her.  Again, this is reading far too much into the text.
Paul does not spell out what it means for the wife to submit to her husband. But he gives us a clue in verse 33 where the wife is specifically called upon to "respect" her husband.
Women received little respect in the New Testament world.  An ancient writer said "women are one and all 'a set of vultures'."  Since women received so little respect, it is easy to understand if women were reluctant to be respectful of men. Yet, that is just what Paul calls for.
More and more women seem to have little or no respect for men; that disrespect is seen in the media. Christian women have to guard against this attribute of our culture.  

And now . . .


Husbands are told to love their wives.  Paul uses the word agape, that noble, self-giving love which was to characterize Christians.  But Paul is not simply repeating a command he has already given to Christians in general.  Another lesson in social history will help us appreciate the revolutionary character of Paul's words.
In the New Testament world Jewish women were treated better than women were treated in most other nations.  Still a common morning prayer offered by Jewish males said "God I thank Thee I was not born a woman."  Rabbis taught it was a waste of time to try to teach a woman.
What about Greek women?  After all, most of Paul’s audience was Greek. 
Some of the philosophers talked about extending equality to women, none of them put their words into action.
V. F. Calverton in Sex and Civilization writes: "In [a] civilization that has become known for its intellectual genius and progressive tendency, the position of women was a tragic spectacle... She was regarded as a form of property with rights no more exalted than that of a slave."
Charles Carlston points out that women were considered "basically uneducable and empty headed.
Robert Briffault wrote,"The Greek woman was the most degraded and abject to be found in any civilized country, of the western world.”
 In the Roman world the attitude toward women was especially evident in the laws governing marriage, the paterfamilias had power of life and death over his family.  
Seneca cynically said, "Women were married to be divorced and divorced to be married."
Summed up in the inscription: "Rule over the woman."
When Paul called for husbands "to love their wives as Christ's loves the church" it must have seemed incredible.
Some have looked at these verses and thought the saw the command: Husbands subdue your wives. Don't waste your time. The command to love is the only command. Love is how the husband submits to his wife.
 Christ is the model of this love.   Without pressing the analogy too far, I think we can say the husband should strive to copy Christ's sacrificial love.
Sacrificial love is demonstrated by giving your most precious assets to your wife: Time, attention.
A man boldly told his wife that he would do anything of for her.  Later that day, she asked if he would go to the art museum with her.  He responded, “No, I don’t want to miss the Cowboys game.”
Sacrificial love is demonstrated in marital fidelity.
The husband should strive to copy Christ's sanctifying love.  (27f)
The idea here may be the bridal bath before the wedding.   The image refers to Christ’s work of purifying the church.   Some have pushed the analogy too far in suggesting the wife’s salvation is somehow linked to her being married.  Paul clearly refutes such notions elsewhere in his writings. (Gal. 3:28)
Still, I would like to believe Christian husbands should strive to love their wives in such a way that their wives are better for having been loved by them.
Certainly there is no place for ridicule or demeaning words.
Instead, husbands should encourage rather than discourage.
Years ago, I taught GED courses.  The majority of the students were women.  Most had dropped out of high school after becoming pregnant and getting married.  Some simply couldn’t accumulate the credits they needed to graduate because their migrant worker parents were constantly pulling them out of school so they could follow the harvests.  Now, years after they should have graduated, they were trying to get the equivalency diploma so they could get better jobs or even start college.
One evening, a woman in her early thirties told me she was leaving the class.  She said her husband—who had also dropped out—was afraid if people knew she had her GED they would think she was smarter than he was.  His ego couldn’t stand that.  The husband Paul describes would have encouraged his wife to keep going or joined her in the classes.
The husband should strive to copy Christ's strengthening love. (28-31)  Just as we feed and care for our bodies so we ought to nourish and care for our marriages to make them stronger.
There would be no place for abuse. Yet, 18% of Christians wives report some type of abuse.
The abusive husband is not following Christ’s example even if he is a deacon or a pastor. Ruth Tucker tells of how a prominent woman writer spoke to student wives at Trinity Seminary.  In her talk, she said she was not entirely certain Christian women had the right to resist abusive husbands.  Ironically, about the same time this woman was offering this counsel, I heard one of the nation’s most ardent fundamentalist Baptists tell his congregation that God did not expect any woman to stay in a marriage where she was abused.  In this case, I think the fundamentalist had was right.
Finally, as Christ wants his relationship with the church to grow deeper, husbands should want their relationships with their wives to grow.

This is a controversial passage.  A key to understanding it is found in Paul’s final . . .


Simply put, a balance of love and respect is essential for any healthy marriage.
The very basic principles Paul has laid down should warn any pastor or church from attempting to micromanage the relationships of the husbands and wives within their churches.  Except where there is clear abuse, infidelity, or marital chaos, couples should be left to manage their own lives.
Couples need to be reminded that is this love and respect demonstrated…
--Through Mutual Caring
--Through Mutual Commitment
--Through Mutual Communication
--Through Mutual Pursuit of Christ-Centeredness.   Each husband and wife should be told stay close to Christ for your own sake and for each other's sake.


There are no simple formulas for a successful marriage. Paul does point us to two key ideas: Love and respect. Both are reflections of the mutual submission in which we are called to live.

Controversy will probably continue to swirl around these statements. When we understand the goals we can better resolve the controversy.

John Stott helps us see that the command to "submit" and the command to "love" are set marriage partners on the same pathway"

"What does it mean to 'submit'? It is to give oneself up to somebody. What does it mean to 'love'? It is to give oneself up for somebody, as Christ 'gave himself up 'for the church."

What would happen if we heeded this call to mutual submission?

1. The divorce rate would drop among Christians as the very notion of "irreconcilable differences" became a distant memory.
2. Marriages marked by love and respect would not be marred by physical or verbal abuse.
3. Marriage partners would not stray into either the radical feminism that promotes demeaning stereotypes of all men or into the chauvinism which denies the intelligence and creativity of women.
4. Each partner would strive to understand the unique character and needs of the other partner in order to help that partner achieve his or her full potential.
5. Problems and decisions could be faced with the resources of two minds rather than one operating under the pressure of always having to be "wise" and creative.
6. Each partner would be learn better how to fulfill his or her role in the marriage.

If Christian couples lived in such mutual submission, the reality of what it means to be part of the one new people of God would be demonstrated in every home and every neighborhood.

A Prayer

Almighty God, You who created the first couple and gave them a home called "Paridise," we thank You for
the gift of marriage and home.
And we confess that by our pride and quest for power we have,
like that first couple, spoiled the gift of your love.
We pray for grace to rediscover your intention for our marriages.
May our marriages mark us as your people.
In Jesus' Name we pray.