Friday, September 29, 2017

Final Benediction

I began this series on Ephesians months ago.  Now we are at the end.  Paul has driven home his message:  Through Christ, a gracious God has created one new people to live for him and work for him in the real world.
Even as he wrote—or more likely dictated—the final words of the letter (6:21-24), this message must have been on his mind. 
Of course, the people in the churches were on his mind as well.  For this reason he sent Tychicus.  One of those individuals we would love to know more about, Tychicus was a gentile from the province of Asia, so Paul was sending him back home with this letter and a report on the apostle’s situation.
In so doing Paul was modeling the new relationship that should mark God’s people: Paul, a Jew, regards Tychicus, a gentile, as “a beloved brother.”  Moreover, he trusts this “faithful servant” to carry the letter to the Ephesians (and with letters to the Philippians and the Colossians) and to accurately report on what Paul faced.  Some scholars suggest Tychicus may have been sent to Crete to relieve Titus (Titus 3:12) so he could join the imprisoned Paul.  It isn’t clear that happened but Paul does mention plans to send him to Ephesus (2 Timothy 2:12); again, this was so Paul’s protégé could join him, bringing some crucial supplies: “the cloak … left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.”  (It isn’t clear if Timothy was able to reach Paul before the apostle’s execution.)  This leaves us to speculate about the number of visits Tychicus made to Ephesus. 
What is less open to speculation is the purpose of Tychicus’s visit to Ephesus.  He came to inform them about Paul’s situation and to encourage them.  Certainly he had more to say thank,  “Well, Paul is still in jail.”  No, the likely report went something like this, “Yes, Paul is still in prison but he is still rejoicing, still witnessing, still overcoming right there in the jail.” (cf. Phil. 1:12-14)  Such a report testifies to the sustaining power of faith.
If that at all represents the report Tychicus brought, it models how we might answer the simple question, “How are you?”  Of course, when someone is just offering a traditional greeting it isn’t necessary to give a list of all the challenges we might be facing.  That can be weird.  But, sometimes people ask the question and we know they want more than a superficial, clichéd response.  How good when we can balance an honest recognition of the tough things and a joyous testimony of the good things. 
Paul now turns to his final benediction.  While it contains elements found in other benedictions, the order is different.  Peace precedes grace and both precede love.
Above all, Paul wanted the Ephesian Christians—and all Christians—to know “peace,” the harmony that transcends differences.  He longed to see Jews and Gentiles functioning as one new people; reconciled in such a way that the past, though not really forgotten, can no longer drive a wedge between them.  Such peace is rooted in “love with faith,” love born out of their common faith in Christ, a faith which sees God’s great purpose to make one new people. 
In a world filled with divisions, social, economic, political, racial, and cultural this vision cannot become a reality without God’s “grace” in the hearts of “all … who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love that never ends, an imperishable/undying love.”  Where such love exists, Christian people can live in harmony; where such love withers, Christian people are divided and spoil their testimony.
As I think about this benediction, I recall the indictment made against the Ephesian church in letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor found in the opening chapters of the Revelation.  Though he praised their hard work, passion for purity, commitment to the faith, and willingness to face hardship, the Lord declared the church had one great deficit. 
“‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.”
Each of the elements Paul mentions in this benediction is important but, perhaps, none is more important to a church that wishes to last than love.
The vision Paul embraces in this benediction is one that changes so much.  If taken seriously, it would end much division in the world.  Unfortunately, the church has often failed to take the vision of Ephesians seriously.
Too often, the church has allowed anti-Semitism to flourish.
Too often, the church has divided over trivial matters, failing to remember there is “one faith, one Lord, one baptism….”
Too often, the church has failed to demonstrate the love that makes us brothers and sisters to fellow Christians regardless of their race or cultural background.
In short, we have failed to live like new people.  But, recognizing this, we can repent and allow Christ to make us his “workmanship,” his “masterpiece,” his “poetry.” (2:10)

Thank you for reading this far.  If you are a regular visitor to the blog, you know I haven’t posted in a few weeks.  There were some technical problems that I won’t detail but I do appreciate your faithfulness.

As I bring this study to an end, I want to announce an important decision I have made about my blog. There will be fewer sermons and more essays and observations on a variety of topics.  Sometimes I will look back and comment on what happened years ago, sometimes I will look around and comment on what is happening now.  Sometimes I may even look inside and comment on what is happening in me—but not too often.  Please stay with me and, if you like what you read, tell your friends.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Prayer Concerns

Once again Paul has brought his readers back to the subject of prayer. Of course, several times in the letter Paul has either broken into prayer or has mentioned prayer. 

We can watch an interesting progression. In 1:16 Paul says, "I'm praying/or you." In 6:18 he says, "You pray for each other.” And in 6:19 he says, "You pray for me.”

Paul seems to have understood what Owen Carr expressed when he said, ''A day without prayer is a boast against God.”  Here in Ephesians 6:18-20 Paul helps us find focus for those daily prayers.
[As I post this sermon, President Trump is planning to declare tomorrow—Sunday, September 3—to be a national day of prayer for those impacted by the hurricane and flooding in Houston and along part of the Gulf Coast.  I hope you will pray.  I have lived in both Houston and New Orleans.  In fact, the picture of the men in a kayak at the corner of Braeswood and Braesmont brought back special memories since my wife and I lived in an apartment at that corner.  The city will be recovering for years.  Its people—all of them—need our prayers.]

When we think of prayer we usually put it in the context of praying for ourselves. The Bible tells us to pray for ourselves. There's nothing wrong with corning to God with our needs and concerns. In a passage I frequently read to patients in the hospital, Philippians 4:6, Paul writes,

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Still, we would be surprised if a letter which has spoken so often of the one new people of God were to omit any discussion of how being part of that one new people of God should influence the form our prayers take.

Our praying should reflect our identity as the people of God.

As the people of God, how should we pray?


(VS 18)

If we are part of the one people of God we ought to pray for all God's people.

Paul was continually informed about the needs of God's people. This is reflected in the letters.  He never allowed himself to be gripped by provincialism. His concern was not limited to the churches he founded.
The divisions that might separate us on Sunday morning shouldn't keep us from praying for our fellow Christians.
Several years ago I visited a church in Lubbock, Texas.  I was surprised when the pastor led the congregation to pray for another church in town.  Apparently they were going through all the churches, praying for each one.
We ought to pray continually for God's people.
Paul words imply we are to "seize opportunities to [pray for the saints] with unwearied perseverance." TCNT

To pray for other Christians during the Lottie Moon emphasis, the Annie Armstrong emphasis, or the week or prayer for Christian unity is not sufficient. The needs of all the saints ought to always be one of our prayer concerns.

The churches have so many needs that our prayers are continually in order.

Christians in other circumstances have special needs that we don't always understand. Governmental pressure, persecution, poverty, cultural traditions that are opposed to Christianity may challenge them in ways we have escaped.

This is why it is necessary to pray with the help of the Spirit.
The Living Bible reminds us we should, "Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit's wishes ... " In Romans Paul reminds us that we need the Spirit's help as we pray.
We need the Spirit to prompt us to pray, to inform our prayers, to keep us disciplined in praying.


(VSS 19-20)

Remember where Paul was as when wrote this letter?
Paul was in prison. Yet he did not ask the people to pray for his comfort, his safety, or even his release. Instead, he asked that somehow, despite his imprisonment, he might be used to advance the gospel.
Despite his situation, his understanding of his role had not changed. He was "an ambassador in chains." We usually treat ambassadors with utmost respect, yet Paul wore chains. He could have said, "Pray for my release so I can resume my important work of speaking on God's behalf.” But he didn't because he had never abandoned that work.  He was just doing it in a different venue.
The language suggests that Paul hoped to preach the gospel to Caesar himself. We ought to pray that we, either consciously or unconsciously, set no limits on where we will take the message of salvation.
As we pray we should remember God's ambassador needs courage.
The prison could be intimidating, so Paul prayed for courage. The word translated "boldly" has a twofold idea. (1) "outspokenness, frankness, plainness of speech that conceals nothing and passes over nothing." (2) "courage, confidence, boldness, fearlessness, especially in the presence of persons of high rank."
Paul was asking to be able to speak with clarity, completeness, and courage--to whomever he might encounter. It's essential to pray this way for the work of the ambassador of God. 
Each of these elements is important:  We need clarity because there is so much confusion about what the gospel really is, who God is, who Jesus is, even who we are.  We need completeness because in our age of slogans we are tempted to reduce the message to a tagline.  We need to speak with courage because we face so many critics who believe we are either fools or devils if we proclaim the Biblical truth.

We need to pray for those who seek to advance the gospel as God's ambassadors:

1) We should pray because advancing the gospel can is demanding.  Paul knew the emotional and physical demands of preaching.  (2 Cor. 11:24- 28) 

2) We should pray because advancing the gospel can be dangerous. In many nations those preaching the gospel face angry enemies, some with murder in their hearts.  Those seeking to advance the gospel need our prayers.


No Christian can say, I can do nothing for missions, nothing for the advance of the gospel, nothing for the church, nothing for my pastor. You can pray!


1) Systematically. Perhaps you could pray for a nation or a continent a day.

2) Intelligently. Learn about what is happening on the mission field, here at home.

3) Comprehensively. Pray for "all the saints." For real human needs.

Prayer by the whole people of God for the whole people of God will help us be do God’s work in the world.