Sunday, July 10, 2016

Not Just A Black and White Issue

Years ago a black woman began attending our services.  Betty, a retired schoolteacher, knew some of our members from an interdenominational Bible study she taught.  Invited by those members, she visited the church.  She kept coming.  Each Sunday she offered an insightful comment on my sermon; she especially seemed to appreciate their Biblical content.  Then one morning she asked if she could talk with me in private at some time.  We set up an appointment for early that week.
When Betty came to my office she seemed tense but got quickly to the point. “I’d like to join the church,” she said, “but I won’t do if it would cause you any problems.”  I was happy to tell her it would cause no problem at all, that the people would be thrilled she wanted to become a member. 
She relaxed and began talking freely.  “I’ve attended black churches my entire life,” she said, “but lately things have changed. I don’t think I can go anymore.”
“How so,” I asked.  I assumed she was about to tell me that black churches, like so many white churches, had begun to deny certain aspects of Biblical truth—the authority of the Scripture, the deity of Christ, the need for salvation, etc.  Her answer surprised me.
“The pastor of the church I attended for so long started preaching hate against white people. I know too many good white people and I can’t stand it.”
Not a little shocked, I recall saying something like, “Betty, we would love to have you as part of our church but maybe that’s just one pastor at one church.”
“No,” she said, “I’ve visited every black church in town and all of them are preaching hate against whites.”
Do I believe Betty visited every black church in Columbus?  No.  But, knowing Betty, I’m sure she visited enough churches to justify her statement.
Betty and I had our conversation nearly a quarter-century ago.  She passed away in the early 2000s.  I wonder what she would say about what is happening in our nation.
The kind of teacher who loved and was loved by her students, she doubtless would mourn every young black man killed by the police—or by gang violence.
A genuine Christian and a policeman’s widow, she doubtless would mourn the deaths of those policemen in Dallas this past week, praying for their widows and children—regardless of their race.
Betty was not naïve.  She knew racism was an ever-present reality.  Her visit to my office proved that.  If she was bitter about it, she never showed it, nor did she deny it.  An art student at Ohio State, she had dreamed of being a fashion illustrator.  She once showed my wife and me sketches she had drawn in the mid-forties.  They were beautiful and could have graced any magazine in the days before computer-enhanced images.  But, placing the drawings back in their tattered folder, she said her professor had told her no magazine would hire a black woman as an illustrator.  So, she became an art teacher.  No, it wasn’t fair.  But Betty trusted God and made a life inspiring students rather than selling couture. 
Again, I wish I could ask Betty her thoughts on what is happening.  I can’t so I’ve been reading—Facebook posts, newspaper editorials, and just listening. 
“What about black on black crime,” someone asks.  “That’s racist and irrelevant,” someone else responds.  A lot of people raising the specter of “black on black crime” may be racist but I’m not sure the issue is irrelevant.  If—fairly or unfairly—a community has a reputation for violence, is it likely a police officer entering that neighborhood is going to be just a little nervous, prone to draw a gun? 
The answer to that problem: Recruit better police officers.  Okay, but what does that mean?  It’s only in the movies you have police officers like Harry Callahan, Martin Riggs, or John McClane; fearless—to be sure—though just a little too quick with those guns.  (Besides, didn’t Riggs’s partner shoot an unarmed man at the end of LW2?)  We will never have officers immune to fear but we might be able to find officers who are less prone to act impulsively. 
First, we need to pay police a sufficient salary so that “moonlighting” and extra shifts are not necessary for police officers to support themselves and their families.  Not only will this attract better quality recruits, it will mean police officers are less likely to be fatigued while on duty.  I have not seen any statistics related to this matter but I wonder how many of the controversial shootings have taken place near the end of a shift or even a double-shift and how many of the officers involved were working two jobs. 
Second, we need to vet recruits very carefully.  I took an extensive psychological test before I was admitted to seminary.  Surely police recruits should face the same tests.  Maybe they do.  Of course, after meeting some of my fellow students, it was clear the seminary had ignored the results of those tests.  I wonder if police departments do the same.  But, having a few more slightly neurotic ministers let loose on society is not the same as having homophobic, racist, power-hungry bullies wearing badges. 
Don’t be shocked but I’ve been stopped four times by the police; three times were justified—speeding, not maintaining my lane, and failing to properly stop (what in Texas is called “a rolling stop,” but it was late at night, in a town with only one stop sign, and one police officer—I met him).  The fourth stop was unjustified (I was driving a Pontiac station wagon which goes from zero to sixty, eventually; given the circumstances, I couldn’t have been going as fast as the deputy from a Burt Reynolds movie said I was going).  From those experiences I received three warnings and one ticket.  Guess who gave me the ticket. I was visiting my brother-in-law, who was in the car with me; he knew the deputy and said he had a reputation as a bully.  And a bully is a bully.  I’ve known store managers who were bullies, teachers who were bullies, coaches who were bullies, deacons who were bullies, and even pastors who were bullies.  Weeding the bullies out of any profession, including the police, is a tough job.  The problem with police bullies is, of course, they carry guns.
No, I am not suggesting 25% of police officers are jerks; I am saying my experience with the police has generally been positive.  (I even respected the honesty of the officer I talked to after we were burglarized in Houston; he said there was very little chance we would get any of our stuff back.)
Of course, you can’t find many people much whiter than I am.  Some police officers apparently target black drivers just because they are black.  Dash cams and body cameras, recording every interaction of police and civilians, might reduce such behavior, especially if officers know they might have to explain why they stop far more black drivers than white drivers.  But the issue is rooted in more than the aggravation of an unjustified traffic stop.
Films, TV, and music all seem to foster the “cops against blacks” mindset.   According to an Associated Press report, black actor Sir Maejor said, "Black Lives Matter doesn't condone shooting law enforcement. But I have to be honest: I understand why it was done. I don't encourage it, I don't condone it, I don't justify it. But I understand it." How many will read that statement and think, “He is saying that given the circumstances shooting cops makes sense.”  Protests against shooting unarmed blacks I can understand.  Editorials against shooting unarmed blacks I can understand.  Sermons against shooting unarmed blacks I can understand.  But shooting white cops to protest shooting unarmed blacks—that, I don’t understand.  Surely no one imagines this will win support for the cause of racial justice.  
Sometimes even those we would expect to promote healing foster suspicion and hostility instead.  In March of last year, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright told a group of seminary students:  "We need to teach black and brown youth how to negotiate safely the militarized mindset of American snipers in blue uniforms, but simultaneously we need to fix the systems." (  Accessed 9 July 2016.)  While admitting the system needs fixing, categorically describing the police as “snipers in blue uniforms” surely must fuel distrust toward all the police.  And those you distrust, you soon learn to hate.
Vetting candidates may help keep trigger-happy police officers off the streets, but every police officer wants to get home safely to his or her family.  Every police officer knows of officers killed during “routine” traffic stops.  Every police officer knows that “Adjusting for population, black men, overall, are 5 times more likely than white men to kill police officers.” (Peter Moskos, “Police Killing Whites and Blacks,” a post on Moskos’s blog, Cop in the Hood. Accessed 9 July 2016.)  Every police officer knows that a hate-the-cops litany is being repeated on the radio, on twitter, on Facebook; and, sometimes, in the movie theater. 
Peter Moskos, a City University of New York sociology professor and former Baltimore police officer, offers interesting insights on the issue of cops targeting blacks. First, he questions whether the charge can be sustained. I will not repeat his argument but it deserves to be considered whether you ultimately agree with him or not. Second, he suggests, that white cops regularly assigned to minority neighborhoods are less likely to respond to perceived threats by a member of that community than white cops who have little interaction with members of other races or ethnic groups.  In many school systems, new teachers (“rookies”) are assigned to the tougher schools while veteran teachers are believed to have earned the right to be assigned to schools with less-troublesome student populations.  Perhaps this helps explain why nearly half of new teachers leave the profession within three or four years. However the teaching profession handles its rookies, police departments need a better way. 
“The federal government should investigate every police shooting of blacks,” someone else declares.  (This being the same federal government Jeremiah Wright was talking about when he said unequivocally, “Governments lie.”)  Maybe if a policeman pauses a moment because he knows a tribunal is going to examine everything about the next action he takes, there will be fewer shootings.  Of course, what if during that pause the officer is shot?  And let’s face it, a substantial number of folks won’t believe the tribunal was fair if it says a cop was justified in shooting; a substantial number of folks won’t believe the tribunal was fair if it says a cop was wrong.
Still having a tribunal made up of citizens and, perhaps, former police officers judge each case would surely be better than having the cases tried on Facebook, twitter, talk radio, or You Tube.  A federal tribunal is less likely to be influenced by regional prejudices and loyalties.  Only such a tribunal could ask really tough questions, like why were the two Baton Rouge officers involved in the Alton Sterling shooting still partnered when they had both been accused of using excessive force in the past.  While they were cleared of the charges, we can be sure journalists and others will be reviewing the cases.  While I am not usually a fan of bigger government, a nonpartisan, multiethnic, police review board representing all regions of the country might be a good step to take.  It won’t make everybody happy but a lot of people are unhappy right now.

Two days after the event, Pat and I were talking about the Dallas shootings with our younger son.  We were at a playground in a public park.  We were watching his son, our grandson play.  Aged five-and-a-half (the qualification is important to him), our grandson knew nothing of the shootings.  He was just having fun.  Through the trees, we could see the building nearest the park—a school building.  Nothing much distinguished the building, except its name: Columbine High School. 

Near the playground there is a memorial to the twelve students and one teacher killed on that shocking day in April 1999.  Given the circumstances, as much as the Dallas shootings may have been on our minds, our thoughts inevitably turned to Columbine.  Our son said, “I don’t know how I’d prove this but I feel like everything changed then.”  I think he meant violence had become more ruthless, more meaningless, more heartless; and, maybe, more inevitable. 

Columbine eroded our ability to be shocked.  Sure 9/11 shook us but we’ve since embraced an attitude that accepts school shooting as part of life.  Did you know that as of February 2016 there have been fifty school shootings since Columbine in which some 141 deaths have occurred and that there have been a total of 270 school shootings of any kind since Columbine?  I had no idea there had been so many.

Columbine seemed to give permission for unhappy, disappointed persons to say, “If I’m in pain, I’m sure as heck going to make sure others feel some pain.”  No, that doesn’t exactly fit the Dallas situation, except it’s probably easier for the aggrieved to justify violence since Columbine.

Columbine did change things and so did the coming of the new millennium.  At least, I think it did.  I haven’t shared this notion with many people.  Even my long-time Thursday lunch companions seemed at a loss for what to say when I explained my thinking to them.  They graciously avoided asking, “Have you lost your mind?” Still, I might as well share it with you.  I think the year 2000 brought a new attitude toward Jesus.  Oh, it’s not so much that people thought, “Great, he really isn’t coming; let’s party!”   But, suddenly it was okay to criticize Jesus, to mock him, to consider him passé.  Love your enemy, forget that.  Forgive those who hurt you, not on your life.  Treat the different as your neighbor, that’s not going to happen, they’re different.  While Jesus looked at a person and saw the image of God, we look at the black face, the white face, the brown face, the olive face and say if their face isn’t like mine, I can’t trust them.

My thoughts on the Dallas shootings and related events are just that.  My thoughts.  I don’t have special insight.  If you’ve read this far, it’s probably because you’re my friend (in the “friend” sense, not the Facebook sense.)  Events in Dallas, in Louisiana, and in Minnesota are racial issues.  They are police issues.  They are legal issues.  They are social issues.  They are, of course, moral issues.  But never forget those events are spiritual issues. 

Just before we were drafted into a game of tag with rules favoring five-and-a-half year olds, we returned to the subject of the recent shootings.  My son said, “Somehow everyone has got to get back to respecting one another.”

Sheriff Andy Taylor never carried a gun. (Listen, I’m an only child. One of my closest friends growing up was a B&W TV. Deal with it.)  Still, he did his job.  Of course, in the world of Mayberry people respected the law.  Then, too, Sheriff Taylor showed as much respect toward Otis the town drunk as he did toward Howard the town clerk. Those days are no more.  Naïve as it may sound, restoring mutual respect has to be a priority in fixing the system.

I think Sheriff Andy would agree.  I know Betty would.