Friday, April 19, 2019

A Trim and a Blessing
I had a haircut yesterday. It was Senior Wednesday, which meant a major discount (for some reason they don’t ask for my proof-of-age). The stylists—not “barbers” but “stylists”—were in a great mood. I heard them asking customers about their Easter plans. The young woman cutting my hair said she would be driving two-and-a-half hours to see her mother; she’d “have to go to church” but she was looking forward to seeing her mother. As each customer left, the stylists called out, “Have a happy Easter.”
My stylist wished me a “Happy Easter,” I said something similar and added, “Have a safe trip to see you mom.” But I didn’t say something else that crossed my mind: It is the very nature of Easter to be a happy day. Whether the day displays spring in its glory or is encumbered with so much snow church services must be cancelled (I’ve seen both), Easter is a day of celebration.
Easter celebrates the faithfulness of the God who promised to send One who would undo the impact of humanity’s rebellion, a rebellion against the very God who wished only our greatest good.
Easter celebrates the triumph over the tomb, ending the illusion of death’s finality, promising the possibility of a new life with an ever new newness .
Easter celebrates our confidence that evil, betrayal, cruelty, and hate will not have the final word.
So, have a happy Easter. What else?


By the way, I have recently added two new books to my Kindle site. The Galatian Gospel: Lesson of Christian Freedom, a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter celebrating the gospel of grace; and Colossians: Counsel for a Church Confronting a Crisis of Confidence, an exposition of Paul’s letter to a backwater congregation dealing with false teachers who were undermining the foundations of Christian truth. You can see more at Easter blessing to you all.