Christmas Thought:
One in three people claim to be
Christians. If one-third of humanity truly loved God with all their hearts,
souls, and minds; and loved their neighbors as themselves, the world would be
unrecognizable. Indeed, it is difficult to even speculate how different the
world would be.
Slavery—at least in the western
world—would have never been. Half the wars recorded in our history books would
be missing. Would walls be built to keep out people fleeing oppression,
criminals, and dictators? Since many of the oppressors, criminals, and
dictators claim fealty to Christ, would they even ply their trades? Perhaps
the church would not remain silent regarding corrupt and corrupting behavior if it knew
greater numbers would affirm its message. Perhaps poverty would be unknown.
One in three. Maybe soon it would be two in four, three in
five, then a world of peace and good will.