I awoke this morning to the news that Harold Camping had revised his calculations to say that Christ's Return would be 22 October of this year. When William Miller's 21 March 1844 date proved wrong, one of his followers "corrected" the date for the Return to 22 October 1844. Didn't happen then either. (What is it with late October? Archbishop Ussher said Adam was created on 23 October 4004BC at about 9:00 am.) The sad thing is, there will be people who believe Camping. Miller, to his credit, stopped making predictions. Also, Miller, unlike Camping, never received millions of dollars from his followers.
Abraham Lincoln even told a story about a man who wanted to lecture in Springfield on "our Lord's Second Coming." Springfield, with it's muddy streets, wandering hogs, and outhouses that overflowed when it rained, prompted the lecture-hall manager to say, "If our Lord has been to Springfied once, he won't come again."